Thursday, May 28, 2009

A warm welcome to Redfin Enterprise

Welcome to Redfin Enterprise Webpage!
Redfin was formed not too long ago by me and my partner. The purpose of having this website is to create awareness on our business.
Here's a little bit introduction on Redfin. As a start, we, Redfin's core business is Marble Goby (Ketutu or Soon Hock) farming. We provide these fishes to restaurants when they reach ready-to-eat size which is at bout 800gm and above.

Besides farming, we also trade these Marble Goby (Ketutu or Soon Hock) fries at varies from 3" and above. New and existing farmers are welcome to enquire about our Marble Goby fries as Redfin is ever ready to help answer to your every question.

As we move along from here, I will constantly update on our fishes and the circumstances we've been through the farming learning stage. Problems and what to expect from farming these fishes. Afterall, these Marble Goby are still high on demand right now with lack of supplies. So we, Redfin welcome all new farmers to join the troupe.