Tuesday, June 2, 2009

busy busy busy

We have been busy. Why? Because we are in a midst of setting up our new place with complete Recirculation system.
Setting up the place is a hassle itself. Moving those fishes would be the worse headache. Because we do not want to stress them inside the plastic bag, we have decided to move the Ketutu in tanks.

Soon enough, I will put up photos of our new place and the system we're using.
Thankfully, we didn't have to spend a lot considering the quality products we're using for our business. Throughout our learning stage, we have came to gather a list of sources that could provide us the best price without compromising on the quality.

At Redfin, we try our best to be cost effective without compromising on the quality.

Aside from getting busy with moving to our new place, we have been busy with setting up tanks for hobbyist. What we do is, we help them set up an entire set of tank at a very low cost.

A complete set inclusive of:-
1) Tank
2) A Full set of BioFilter
3) Fishes
4) Air Pump
5) Filter Pump
6) Inlet and Outlet Pipings (For water drip system)
7) Consultation

I will try to provide more information on the start up kit services in another post next time. Till then, if you have further enquiries on start up kit, do drop us an email at redfin.enterprise@gmail.com. We may be able to assist you.