Monday, July 6, 2009

Benih Ikan Keli

Finally we've settled moving into our new shop.
We have learn and face many obstacles while setting up and moving to our shop.

Pictures will be uploaded soon.
In the past one month besides getting busy with setting and moving, we have also successfully bred our own Ikan Keli. And therefore, we will be selling ikan keli fries as well be it to people who are interested to set up their ikan keli farm or to feed their ketutu.

Feeding Ketutu with Ikan Keli.
Ikan Keli is one of the highest protein fishes alive. Feeding them with Ikan Keli will increase their growing pace. Furthermore, the Ikan ketutu seems like loves eating Keli a lot. Some may think it is expensive feeding ikan keli but if you calculate the growing pace, you will know it is much more cost effective as compare to feeding them with talapia or carps.

Ikan Keli farming.
When we started breeding Ikan Keli, we have learn quite a bit about their characteristic. Ikan Keli appear to be a very hardy and tough fish as compare to ketutu. They are less sensitive with water and we've seen very very very murky water with Ikan Keli living in it healthily. They can also tolerate higher ammonia level as compare to Ketutu. At 4ppm, the ikan keli are still swimming happily. They can live without oxygen and you do not need the best of water. If one has got land, Ikan Keli is well worth investing on.

At the moment, we have benih ikan keli from 1 inches to 2 inches.
We will be selling them in a reasonable price of:-
1 inch - RM0.04 each
2 inches - RM0.06 each

Our Keli fries are all well fed with high quality pellets. We do not stinge on their food and you can see, they are all fat and bulging side ways. Nevertheless, they are disease-free because they lived indoor and they don't mix with other fishes as well. If you are interested in getting healthy and good quality benih ikan keli, give me a call.