Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We are still alive!

Just so you know, Redfin is still alive!
We are still in operation! The lack of update in 1 year 3 months was due to lack of internet access.
And that's because we have move to a proper farm in Hulu Semenyih.
Instead of farming marble goby with canvas tank in shop lots, we have been given an opportunity to continue or expand our farming in proper fish ponds.

For the past 1 year and 3 months, we have learn a lot on larger scale farming.
Do not have time to share it all by writing it all here. However, we still welcome farmers with their questions.

There has been many enquiries on Keli fries. Unfortunately, we have stopped breeding keli or catfish for a while now. This is because we are focusing on breeding the Marble Goby.

Anyway, this post serve to let you all know, Redfin is still alive.
Till the next time.