Monday, January 10, 2011

About the Ikan Keli we stopped breeding

Why we stopped breeding ikan keli or catfish?
Man... I really hate to complain about it but here's the truth.

The price of Keli has gone down. Down down down. There are people who offered me RM2.80 perkg. I am beyond shocked. How on earth that farmer make a living by selling them so cheap? I do not understand. If the market price of these fishes has been thrashed in such, why would we want to encourage people to farm these fishes then? It isn't right. I wouldn't farm them as well. Because of the devastating drop of keli price, some people have no other choice than to feed their kelis with cheaper alternative feed. I won't say what but definitely cheaper than fish pellets. It is impossible one can earn from feeding pellets to keli if the price is not above a certain amount. Definitely not RM3 or 4. That's why I have stopped breeding that fish that could bring no human kind anywhere.

Truth about Keli
Keli is actually a superb fish. I love keli. I love their character and I love the way they eat. Keli eats a lot basically. I still kept some 30 something of the keli I bred myself. I love them to the bits.

We do not change the keli tank water frequent like other fishes. Once a week maybe as most farmers say, keli never have to change water. It's true. These fishes are amazing. They can tolerate anything. Even eating whatever. I do not want to mention what can or would a keli eat but basically trust me, they eat ANYTHING. Anyway, our beloved 30 something keli eat fish pellet. Sometimes we feed them with some live fishes if there's extra from the pond. They lived well, grew really fat and they are adorable. So, one fine day, we decided to try my very own keli just so to know why is it under-valued. We took a 1.2kg keli up. Took it to the restaurant and ordered it to be cooked Kung pou style. They'd fillet the keli, slice it and deep fried the meat and then stir fried with dried chilli and cashew nuts.

To my very very surprise, it is beyond my expectation. The Keli is so smooth yet solid. It is no lumpy meat fish. It is seriously delicious. I wish I had taken a picture of it but I was too busy eating the fish. It's really good shit. I'd pay RM30 to eat my keli for sure.
I don't know if it's the much of love I've poured into my fishes or is it just the method that makes our own Keli taste fantastic but it does.

It is heart wrenching while eating this very nice fish while thinking this is the fish which is not being appreciated at all...

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